
My Name is Stefano

I am a Computer Science graduate from BINUS University with a passion in software development.

About Me

A Little Bit About Myself

Hi! I'm Stefano Christian Wiryana, a software developer based in Indonesia. In 2023, I graduated from BINUS University with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I am currently open to remote work opportunities.

As a developer, I strive to solve problems through code. I have experience in building web applications using several technologies, mainly with Laravel and React. I also have experience in building mobile applications using Flutter. Aside from that, I also have a keen interest in game development and artificial intelligence.

This website serves as a portfolio of my work and a journal of my career as a developer. Feel free to explore. It will be updated from time to time as I grow my skills and expertise.

Profile Image

Some of My Technical Skills

Programming Languages

Typescript & Javascript





Frameworks & Libraries


React.js & Next JS


Tailwind CSS


Databases & Other Tools











My Career Journey

  1. Mar 2022 - Feb 2023

    Programmer (Internship)

    Polytron (Kudus, Indonesia)

    I worked as a Programmer intern at Polytron for a year. My job was to develop and integrate multiple web applications into an existing information system. The applications include a project management application, reporting applications that fetch data from SAP, applications for managing software licenses, applications that manipulates SAP data, and more.
  2. Sep 2021 - Dec 2021

    Mobile & Software Engineer (Internship)

    NHS England (Remote)

    I developed a care home app as a Mobile & Software Engineer intern in a four-month global internship program organized by PT. Inovasi Telematika Nusantara in partnership with The Royal European Internship Council and NHS England.


Showcase of My Work

COVID-19 Tracker

A simple COVID-19 tracker made with React JS.

COVID-19 Tracker

Learnable Mobile App

Learning management mobile app created using Flutter.

Learnable Mobile App

Learnable Web App

Learning management web app created using Laravel and React.

Learnable Web App

Maze Solver

A desktop GUI application for graph traversal visualization using a maze solver made in Java. Developed as the final project for Object Oriented Programming course at Binus University.

Maze Solver

Project Management Application

A multi-tab application for managing and monitoring projects made with Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, and MySQL. This project was my thesis project at Binus University, created while interning at Polytron Indonesia.

Project Management Application


Virseum App

AR and VR-based application for viewing 3D traditional Indonesian weapons developed using Unity.

Virseum App

Virtual Park Web

Web app for viewing 360-degree virtual tour created with MERN stack.

Virtual Park Web